It's the real story of my journal.
He used to live next door to me. Volatile politics mean that all youth are forced to go abroad to survive. The Maoist terror has been a terrible terror through the history of Nepal. That was a crime against humanity. I attempted to write about his suffering in a foreign land.
He worked all day and his boss told him to leave. At that time, he would remember his country and village. He remembers how his beloved sister died. He is reminded of the voice of his employer who said:
If you have no idea how to do your job, you go home.
Sometimes he received no pay or food on time. His tears came down upon his cheeks.
I ran into him in the marketplace once.
He wore white pants, t-shirt, tie and colored sunglasses. Listening to the songs, he bought essential pieces from the market. He was out of Nepal for 10 years.
The girls in the village made fun of him when they said 'What a man". Having bought an apartment, I am not going to marry any girl in a village. The girl who happens to be engaged to me is going to be fortunate. He said those things to me.
That day, he also chatted with the old toothless and the kids in front of his house. The old man transported all that his son brought from abroad.
As if they were going to be put in the yard.
He was proud to speak to the villagers: The villagers are boring to speak and walk. In a foreign country, people take a bath twice daily and they are intelligent.
He kept chatting, looking at his mother. I think he said boil the water. In a foreign land, I never drink water till it's boiled.
An old man, almost 65 years old, asked him: Do people abroad walk, talk and eat like us? The old man went on to state:
You're a star in a funny movie. A bunch of kids laughed at him. The mother complained to her son, saying, «What a mystery. He says that he earned much, but the amount is only about seven thousand, and those second-hand goods. He told his mother "the actions were different and started to underline my clarification. Foreign countries have a very different lifestyle; there is no system to save money.
The train runs underground, the shop doors open automatically.
And there are no restrictions at all on taking advantage of the girls. I chose to act on behalf of culture. So, I couldn't save what I did, He made terrible gossip. Did you bring gifts to respectful neighbors or just made useless statements? ', said his uncle, who couldn't handle the gossip, 'you couldn't make any progress in 10 years. We would be better off retaining reliable jobs like trade and agriculture. It's time to get married.
At 75, his father patiently told him not to return to another country.
Even if it was a cold winter, he had put himself in half-shirts and colored glasses. As he watched him, his uncle started to speak. Your parents are old and you're single.
If you forget about how your parents raised you in poverty, it would be the worst."
He responded quickly: What is going to stay? Who would want to live this kind of life here? There is no good food and no possibility of conversation with the girls.
He said: If necessary, I would marry overseas. What's the big deal about Nepal? Thanks to his leadership, there is only the suffering of the people here.
His uncle said, 'Homeland is homeland: you cannot get original love in a foreign country. Anytime you get sick or starving neighbors here, help with medicine and food. Do you have those facilities there? You people are lucky and in good health. They are well fed and clothed. They are also fond of festivals with sweets and meat. It is wrong to hate one's own land.
Regardless of what you say, I can't believe there's happiness and peace out there. When he heard her uncle, he wavered. He recalled these painful days.
He thought I was unlucky. What have I gained from my 10 years of immigration? I didn't even fix the leaky roof. He remembers his childhood friends, his schoolteachers and the places where he played. Now he can see that he spent the 10 years of his life unnecessarily. I mean, he was upset. He had tears in his eyes.