Capitalist economy, and socialism are failed to stop poverty?


I am focusing on this article, why economy is of the essence? Why we requires economic reconstruction to ensure growth?. I am arguing here, why still capitalism and socialism are failing to end extreme poverty?

I acknowledge there is confusion between the economic system and the economy, they both stand for. Between Economy and Democracy and socialism or communism.


I don’t want to be a Capitalist or Socialist. The new economic system required.


Why I want to commence a new majority rule based on economic freedom? A new economic democracy is really need to the world to defeat extreme poverty, discrimination and disease.


Improving higher income, capitalism or socialism?


I am focusing on this article about the importance of the specific requirements for higher incomes. 


Evolution and a market economy


I want to stress in this article how Increasing the development will increase the production rate? How it will increase the commodities produced and delivered?.


Economic policy between rich and poor


I want to outline in this article about the importance of putting out the objectives of economics. Because economy means consumer or producer goods and service that is used to be dealt.


Education to accomplish a financial success


I am arguing in this article how helping poor students would help to build a great financial success to the nation. I have also sketched in this clause.


I need more poetry in my life


"Kamu, who is knocking at the door?" my aunt asked.  I was then in Jhapa,  during the last of May. She began to drink water from the pot and took a long breath. "How can I know who is at the door?" I said.



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