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UN urges 'zero tolerance at the highest levels of leadership' to end violence against women and girls
Source:UN News.
25 November 2015 – Ending gender-based violence is a top priority for achieving the United Nations founding mission of peace, development and human rights, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon said today, noting his specific concerns about rising violent extremism and its impact on women and girls, and calling for global collective action to end the scourge.
‘Orange the World’ campaign kicks off efforts to end violence against women and girls – UN
Source:UN News.
24 November 2015 – From parades to soccer matches, school debates, and the lighting up of hundreds of iconic monuments, starting tomorrow a United Nations call to “Orange the World” will galvanize global action calling for an end to violence against women and girls, which according to the UN’s agency for gender equality (UN Women) affects one in three worldwide.
(CNS): Prime Minister Narendra Modi has joined other Asia Pacific Leaders in taking a concrete step closer to defeating malaria. Along with the 17 other East Asia Summit (EAS) Leaders meeting in Malaysia this past weekend, he endorsed a detailed plan to eliminate the disease throughout the region by 2030.
UNAIDS: millions receiving HIV treatment globally through accelerated and focused response
Source:UN news.
24 November 2015 – Citing “extraordinary” progress in HIV prevention and response in the last 15 years, a new United Nations report found that many countries are adopting the Fast-Track Strategy developed by the Joint UN Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), which allows more people to receive timely treatment for HIV, in an effort to end AIDS by 2030, as part of the recently adopted Sustainable Development Goals.
Access to higher education doesn’t always lead to lower unemployment – UN labour agency
Source:UN News.
17 November 2015 – Workers with post-secondary education are more likely to be unemployed in lower-income countries, reflecting a “mismatch” between skilled persons and the number of available jobs matching their competencies and expectations, according to the International Labour Organization (ILO).
25 November is the UN-proclaimed International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women. Violence against women is a year-round occurrence and continues to an alarming degree. Violence against women is an attack upon their bodily integrity and their dignity. We need to place an emphasis on the universality of violence against women, the multiplicity of its forms and the ways in which violence, discrimination against women, and the broader system of domination based on subordination and inequality are inter-related.
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